St. John Fisher University
School of Business
    How to get an easy A in my classes


    Hemant C. Sashittal, Ph.D.
Ph.D. Business Administration (Marketing, Organizational Behavior)
Syracuse University
MBA Marketing.  Syracuse University
MMS Marketing.  Bombay University
B.Com. Accounting. Bombay University
                                                           Phone:  585 385 8088                   Email: sashi@sjfc.edu, sashi@sjf.edu



  What I teach in 2024  
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Book Chapters

Marketing Principles

The class is designed as an introductory course to modern marketing.  Students have the opportunity to learn about the nuts and bolts of the subject, and developed informed perspectives that enable them to answer the question for any business: 'if we are managing the marketing function of an organization, what exactly are we managing, i.e., what are we thinking about, doing, assessing, and learning to do?'

Marketing Research

Students investigate a new marketing research question.  They begin with exploration, develop a conceptual framework, derive hypotheses, craft reliable and valid measurement scales, and design questionnaires.  Then they focus on data analytics.  Not for the faint hearted. 

Marketing Strategy

The class is designed for students to think about marketing as a strategic function of the organization; i.e., a function that is focused on pursuing positions of competitive advantage with a defined set of consumers in an identified marketplace. 

  Reading provided material, following instructions, is expected.
Don't say it, or write it, unless it is backed by confirmable evidence (cite liberally).  Avoid discussion of beliefs and opinions.
Unexected learning occurs, participant discretion is advised


What Fisher students do . . .    
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Text Book       


Book Chapters   

Marketing students designed and sold this t-shirt to raise money for the marketing club.

I think they got it right.

They survived Sashi. 

This is Mike DeMar

He was enrolled in my Marketing Principles, and then in Marketing Research in the following term.

He worked with me on a study of branding on Snapchat.

We co-authored a research paper.

It was first published in Business Horizons.

The article is listed and sold on HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL website. The article is a Harvard Business School CASE study.

  Publications in refereed journals                                                             
    Impact factor on Google
Google College Ranking
Impact factor on Research Gate
Ranking by Research Gate

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What I teach      

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Text Book      


Book Chapters  

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What I teach      

What Fisher      
Students Do

Text Book      


Book Chapters      

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What I teach      

What Fisher      
Students Do

Text Book      


Book Chapters     

Sashittal, H.C., Jassawalla, A.R., Sachdeva, R. (2023).  The Influence of Covid 19 Pandemic on Consumer-Brand Relationships: Evidence of Brand Evangelism Behaviors.  Journal of Brand Management. 30 245-260. DOI: 10.1057/s41262-022-000301-w.

Sashittal, H.C., and Jassawalla, A.R. (2021). Brands as Personal Narratives: Learning From User-YouTube-brand Interactions. Journal of Brand Management. 28 (6): 657-670.  DOI: 10.1057/s41262-021-00248-4z

Sashittal, H.C., and Jassawalla, A.R. (2020). The Personal Influence of Instagram Bloggers on Consumer-Brand Interactions. Journal of Brand Management, 27 (6): 679-690, DOI: 10.1057/s41262-020-00203-9

Sashittal, H.C. and Jassawalla, A.R. (2019).  Brand Entification as a Post-anthropomorphic Attribution Among Twitter-using Millennials. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 37 (7): 741-753.   

Sashittal, H.C. and Jassawalla, A.R. (2019), Preliminary Evidence of Brand Acquaintancing on Snapchat. Marketing Intelligence & Planning. 37 (2): 197-210. DOI 10.1108/MIP-05-2018-0144.

Jassawalla, A.R. and Sashittal, H.C. (2017). How and why Millennials are Initiating Conflict in Vertical Dyads and what they are Learning: A Two-stage Study. International Journal of Conflict Management. 28 (5): 644-670.

Jassawalla, A.R. and Sashittal, H.C. (2017). What Students Think and Do in Classroom Teams When Peer Evaluations are Highly Consequential? Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. 15 (2): 219-247.

Sashittal, H.C., DeMar, M., Jassawalla, A.R. (2016). Building Acquaintance Brands via Snapchat for the College Student Market.  Business Horizons, 59 (2): 193-204.

Sashittal, H.C., Hodis, M., Sriramchandramurthy, R. (2015). Entifying your Brand Among Twitter-using Millennials. Business Horizons, 58 (3): 325-333. DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.01.010

Hodis, M., Sriramchandramurthy, R., Sashittal, H.C. (2015). Interact with Me on My Terms: A Framework for Four-segment Facebook Engagement Framework for Marketers. Journal of Marketing Management, 31 (11-12): 1255-1284.

Sashittal, H.C., Jassawalla, A.R. (2015). Why do College Students use Pinterest?  A Model and Implications for Scholars and Marketers.  Journal of Interactive Advertising, 15 (1): 54-66.

Sashittal, H.C., Hodis, M., Sriramchandramurthy, R. (2014). Is your Brand a Living Entity? MIT Sloan Management Review, 53 (3): 95-96. 

Sashittal, H.C., Sriramchandramurthy, R., Hodis, M. (2012). Targeting College Students on Facebook? How to Stop Wasting your Money. Business Horizons, 55 (5): 495-507.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Markulis, P. (2012).  Students’ perspective into the apathy and social disconnectedness they feel in undergraduate business classrooms.  Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 10 (3): 413-446.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Malshe, A. (2010). Effects of Transparency and At-stakeness on Students’ Perceptions of their Ability to Work Collaboratively in Effective Classroom Teams: A Partial Test of the Jassawalla & Sashittal Model. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 8 (1): 35-53

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2009). Thinking Strategically about Integrating Repatriated Managers in MNCs.  Human Resource Management, 48 (5): 769-792

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Malshe, A. (2009).  Students’ Perceptions of Social Loafing, its Antecedents and Consequences in Undergraduate Business Classroom Teams. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 8 (1): 42-54.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Malshe, A. (2008). Student Perceptions of Social Loafing in Undergraduate Business Classroom Teams. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, 6 (2): 392-415.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Asgary, N. (2006). Managing Expatriates: The Role of Mentors. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 16 (2): 130-140.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C., Markulis, P. (2006).  Impact of Leadership Modes on Team Dynamics and Performance in Undergraduate Management Classes. Journal of Education for Business, (January-February): 145-150.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2003). The DNA of Cultures that Support Product Innovation Processes. IVEY Business Journal, (November-December): 1-6.

Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (2003), Building Collaborative New Product Processes: Why Instituting Teams is not Enough, SAM Advanced Management Journal, 68 (1): 27-36.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2002). Cultures that Support Product Innovation Processes. Academy of Management Executive, 16 (3): 42-54.

 Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2002). Fast-Forwarding Time as the Essence of Managers’ Strategic Effectiveness: Learning from Wayne Gretzky. Organizational Dynamics, 30 (4): 341-355.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2001). The Role of Senior Managers in Developing Collaborative New Product Teams. Engineering Management Journal, 13 (2): 33-39

Sashittal, H.C., Jassawalla, A.R. (2001). Marketing Implementation in Smaller Organizations: Definition, Framework, and Propositional Inventory. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 29 (1): 49-68.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2000). Strategies of Effective New Product Team Leaders. California Management Review, 42 (2): 34-51. 

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (2000). Cross-functional Interactions in New Product Development Processes. Research-Technology Management, 43 (01): 46-49.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1999). Building Collaborative New Product Teams. Academy of Management Executive, 13 (3): 50-63

Sashittal, H.C., Berman, J.C., Ilter, S. (1998). Impact of Trust on Performance Evaluations. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business, 34 (2): 163-183.

Sashittal, H.C., Jassawalla, A.R. (1998). Why Managers Do What They Do.  Management Decisions, 36 (8): 533-542.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1998). Accelerating Technology Transfer: Thinking About Organizational Pronoia.  Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 15: 153-177.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1998). An Examination of Collaboration in High-technology New Product Development Processes. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 15 (3): 237-254.

Sashittal, H.C., Tankersley, C. (1997). The Strategic Market Planning-Implementation Interface in Small and Midsized Industrial Firms: An Exploratory Study .Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 4  Summer): 1-15.

Sashittal, H.C., Wilemon, D. (1996). A Typology of Marketing Strategy Behaviors: Understanding Why Marketing Strategies Turn Out the Way they Do. Journal of Marketing Management, 6 (Fall/Winter): 17-33.

Jassawalla, A.R., Sashittal, H.C. (1996). Practical Issues of Technology Transfer in High-Technology Firms: Learning from the Field. Industrial Management, 38 (November-December), 25-31

Sashittal, H.C., Wilemon, D. (1996). Marketing Implementation in Small and Midsized Industrial Firms: An Exploratory Study.  Industrial Marketing Management, 25 (1), 67-78.

Sashittal, H.C., Wilemon, D. (1996). Central Issues in Implementing Market Plans in Industrial Organization. Industrial Management, 38 (March/April), 10-15.

Sashittal, H.C., Wilemon, D. (1994). Integrating Technology and Marketing: Implications for Improving Customer Responsiveness. International Journal of Technology Management, Special Issue on the Needed Technological Responses to Increasing Technological Competitiveness, 9 (5/6/7), 691-708.





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Book Chapters  
  Trouble with teaching and learning Argyris’s Models I & II?

I learned, over several semesters, how to teach Argyris’s Models I & II in MBA classes devoted to implementation of innovations and strategies.

Readers familiar with Chris Argyris’s work on defensive reasoning are familiar with Models I & II. Model I shows how one’s learned predisposition toward defensive reasoning gets in the way of problem solving and contributes to mistrust and error.

Model II serves as a useful guideline for thinking about overcoming defensive routines and committing to publicly testing inferences in ways that build trust, foster learning, and solve problems among potential collaborators.

My early attempts to teach the models in class produced low levels of learning. Here, I report the strategy I developed to produce higher levels of learning among a broader segment of graduate students. The strategy will interest students interested in developing a deeper understanding of
Argyris’s work on Models I & II. 

My primary purpose, however, is to speak to the practical realities of instructors who either assign Model I & II –related material in their classes or used to do so and given up because of the low level of learning produced; and would appreciate knowing about a pedagogical approach I have successfully used in my classes. Much of the teaching strategy emerged from a concerted effort to knit together my musings on what I wish Argyris had said about this . . .
  Publications in Conference Proceedings                                                             
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Text Book      

Book Chapters     

Jassawalla, A., Sashittal, H., & Witt, A. (2022).  Increasing students' felt need for teamwork: An experiential learning exercise that sets the stage, 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22) proceedings, pages 823-831.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd22.2022.14590

Murthy, R., Hodis, M., Sashittal, H. (2017), “Mediated Voyeurism and narcissistic Indulgence on Facebook,” 2017 Annual Spring Conference Proceedings, ISSN 2325-3568 (Print), ISSN 2325-3576 (Online), Chicago, I.L. p. 81-82.

Hodis, M., Murthy, R., Sashittal, H. (2016). “It’s All About Me! A Two-Step Model to Consumer Brand Engagement on Facebook,” American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Hodis, M., Murthy, Sashittal, H. (2016), “Communicating with Your Local Audience on Facebook: A Two-Step Engagement Model,” 29th Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, San Diego, C.A.. (American Marketing Association Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG).

 Sashittal, Hemant C., and David Wilemon (1997), "Marketing Strategy Implementation in Technology-Based Companies," Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, [PICMET '97], Portland, O.R.

Sashittal, Hemant C., and Clint Tankersley (1994), "The Marketing Planning and Implementation Interface: Some Empirical Evidence," Development in Marketing Science, Proceedings of the 1994 Academy of Marketing Science Conference, eds., Elizabeth Wilson, and William Black, Volume 17, Nashville, TN,  p. 103-108

Sashittal, Hemant C., and David Wilemon (1994), "Creating Customer Responsiveness in Technology Based Organizations," Management of Technology IV: The Creation of Wealth, Volume 2, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, FL.

Sashittal, Hemant C., and David Wilemon (1994), "Marketing Implementation from the Symbolic Interactionism Perspective," Proceedings of the American Marketing Association's Summer Educators' Conference, "Enhancing Knowledge Development in Marketing," Volume 5, San Francisco: CA. p. 198-204.

 Sashittal, Hemant C., and David Wilemon (1994), "Organizing for Customer Responsiveness,” Proceedings of the American Marketing Association's Winter Educators' Conference, Marketing Theory and Applications, Volume 5, p.3-8. St. Petersburg: FL.

Axinn, Catherine A., and Hemant C. Sashittal (1991), "Do Exporters Standardize or Adapt Their Export Marketing Strategies: An Exploratory Study," Proceedings of the American Marketing Association's Summer Educators' Conference, San Diego: CA.

 Sashittal, Hemant C. (1989), "Consumer Sales Promotions: Relevant Issues, Concepts, and Some Tentative Propositions," Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southern Marketing Association, New Orleans: LA.

Book Chapters
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Text Book      


Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (2011), “Integrating Repatriated Managers in MNCs,” The Role of Expatriates in MNCs Knowledge Mobilization, Editors: Mariano, Stefania, Mirghani, Mohamed, and Ghauri, Pervez.  Chapter 6, pages 113-130.

 Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (2009), “Accelerating Product Innovation: Managing Cross-functional Collaboration,” Cross-functional Teamwork: Concepts and Cases, ICFAI University Press: Dehradun, India.  This is the same article originally published in Effective Executive (see above).  The publishers sought our permission to reprint it in their new book on cross-functional teams.

Jassawalla, A. R., and H. C. Sashittal (2006), “Collaboration in Cross-Functional Product Innovation Teams,” Advances in Interdisciplinary Study of Work Teams, Volume 12, Eds. Michael Beyerlein and Nancy Gorman.

 Sashittal, Hemant C. (1990), "Consumer Sales Promotions: Relevant Issues, Concepts, and Some Tentative Propositions," Marketing: Concepts and Strategies, Lecture Enrichment Series, Seventh Edition eds. W.M. Pride, O.C. Ferrell, Houghton Mifflin, Boston: MA.