CSCI 161 - Foundations of Computer Science I (P4)
St. John Fisher College
Spring 2016

Mr. John C. Barthelmes
Office - Adjunct Offices, Basement of Basil hall

Office hours:
Tuesday/Thursday 9-11am.
Directly before and after Class
Other times by appointment. (Call me or email me)
Class meetings:
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00am-12:20pm • Ralph Wilson Bldg. 115
Introduction to Java Programming (Brief Version), 10th Edition
- Y. Daniel Liang- Pearson
(Available in the SJFC Bookstore)

Course Objective
This course is an introduction to the problem-solving and programming methodologies that are fundamental to the study of computer science. Problem-solving follows procedural paradigms. An appropriate programming language is used to support these paradigms and facilitates an introduction to the concept of classes and objects. Students gain considerable experience with fundamental language constructs and types (classes), such as expressions, decisions, iteration, functions, structures, and strings.
Course Outcomes
  • Students will become proficient and comfortable with problem-solving with respect to programming.
  • Students will understand the basic methodologies of programming in both the procedural and object oriented environments.
  • Students will gain understanding on the syntax and constructs of the Java programming language.
  • Students will be able to explain the concept of objects/classes and be able to represent real world events in class form.
  • Students will become profient in the following programming constructs: expressions, decisions, iteration, functions, structures, and strings.
Course Content
This course will cover the following topics:
  • Programming Introduction
  • Selection Statements
  • Mathematical Functions, Characters, Strings
  • Loops
  • Methods
  • Single and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Objects and Classes

Course Outline
This is a general schedule of the course.
Week/Dates Topics/Description Reading Assignment
Week 1 - January 14 Introduction to Course Chapter 1
Week 2 - January 19, 21 Elementary Programming.
Input, computations.
Software development process.
Chapter 2
Week 3 - January 26, 28 Selection
If, If/Else Statements.
Simple sort.
Chapter 3
Week 4 - February 2, 4 Selection (Continued)
If, If/Else Statements.
Simple sort.
Chapter 3
Week 5 - February 9, 11 Mathematical Functions, Characters and Strings
Math Functions.
Strings and Objects.
Chapter 4
Week 6 - February 16, 18 Mathematical Functions, Characters and Strings (Continued)

Chapter 4
Week 7 - February 23, 25 Loops
While loops.
Sentinel Values.
Do-While Loops. For Loops.
Break and Continue.
Nested Loops.
Chapter 5
Week 8 - March 1, 3 SPRING BREAK  
Week 9 - March 8, 10 Loops Continued Chapter 5
Week 10 - March 15, 17 Methods
Modularizing Code.
Chapter 6
Week 11 - March 22 Methods (Continued)
Modularizing Code.
Chapter 6
Week 12 - March 29, 31 Single Dimensional Arrays
Setting up and using Arrays.
Arrays as storage.
Using Arrays in computation.
Chapter 7
Week 13 - April 5, 7 Continuing Arrays

Chapter 7
Week 14 - April 12, 14 Multidimensional Arrays
Setting up Multidimensional Arrays.
Using Multi-D Arrays.
Chapter 8
Week 15 - April 19, 21 Objects and Classes Chapter 9
Final Exam Week Final Exam (Date TBA)  
Please refer to the course catalogue.

Your grade will be determined by the following components of the course:

Examinations: We will have two one-hour exams and a final exam (administered during Final Exam week).

In-Class Exercises (Labs): Occasionally, you will be expected to complete assigned exercises during class time (to be continued as homework).

Outside Programming Projects: Outside projects are programs that you will complete on your own, outside of class time. These will NOT be group assignments, and individual work will be expected. If programs submitted are collaborations between two or more students, the grade will be adjusted accordingly.

Attendance: Attendance will be taken each class period. Absence will affect your grade.

Students must take all exams. Students must have a passing average (65%) on assignments, on exams and on the final project in order to pass the course.

10% Active Participation in class discussions
30% Two one-hour exams (15% each)
40% In-Class Labs
20% Final Exam
Please note that all of the percentage weights are merely guidelines and I reserve the right to vary from these guidelines.

Academic Honesty

It is expected that each student has read, understands and conforms to the policy on Academic Honesty as outlined in the St. John Fisher College Bulletin and the Student Handbook. These standards fully apply to all assignments and lab exercises. Any plagarism will result in an F for the assignment.

College Policy Concerning Students with Disabilities

In compliance with St. John Fisher College policy and applicable laws, appropriate academic accommodations are available to you if you are a student with a disability. All requests for accommodations must be supported by appropriate documentation/diagnosis and determined reasonable by St. John Fisher College. Students with documented disabilities (physical, learning, psychological) who may need academic accommodations are advised to make an appointment with the Coordinator of Services for students with disabilities in the Office of Academic Affairs, Kearney 202. Late notification will delay requested accommodations.

Comments -
Last Modified: 1/8/2016