Since a partial derivative of a function is itself a function, we can take derivatives of it as well. Since it will be a function of more than one variable (usually) we can take partial derivatives of the derivative functions with respect to either variable. Thus, we can compute
For practice, let's compute all of the first and second partials of the
function .
We can compute third order partial derivatives of f(x,y). There are eight possibilities: fxxx, fxxy, fxyx, fyxx, fxyy, fyxy, fyyx, and fyyy. However, for most reasonable functions (those with continuous second partials) fxxy = fxyx = fyxx and fxyy = fyxy = fyyx.
Higher and higher derivatives can be computed for functions of any number of variables, provided that the function is smooth enough. As another quick example, let's list all the first and second partial derivatives of a function of three variables h(x,y,z):
Note that we can always return to the good old limit definition of a
derivative. To compute at the point (x0, y0) we have