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Partial Fraction Expansion

Another common technique for evaluating the integral of rational functions is to expand the fraction into a sum of simpler rational functions which can be easily integrated. As an example of this process, let's expand the function tex2html_wrap_inline454 as tex2html_wrap_inline456 . Now, if we get a common denominator, we find that A(2x - 1) + B(x + 2) = x. This equation implies that (2A + B)x = x and that -A + 2B = 0. Thus, we know that A = 2/5 and B = 1/5. Now we can integrate the function:


The general rule for expanding a function in partial fractions is to start with the factored form of the denominator. If none of the factors is repeated, the partial fraction expansion will be a sum of fractions, each fraction having one of the factors as its denominator. The numerator of each will be an unknown polynomial of one degree less than the denominator. For example,


Now, by getting a common denominator on the right and equating like terms in the numerators, we find that


This system can be solved to find the constants (A = 3/4, B = 0, C = -3/4, D = 11/4) and then the first two terms in the integral can be evaluated by substitution, and the third can be handled by writing the fraction as tex2html_wrap_inline470 .

The onlyreal difficulty arises in the case where one or more of the factors in the denominator is of mulitplicity k. In this case, we follow the principles of the next example.


Vector Calculus
Sun Aug 3 11:17:56 MST 1997