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Integrals of the Form tex2html_wrap_inline348

To evaluate an integral of the form tex2html_wrap_inline348 we will use the first of these identities. Simply let tex2html_wrap_inline352 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline354 and the integral becomes


To convert this back to a function of x, we make note of the triangle that our substitution implies. Since we let tex2html_wrap_inline352 this means that tex2html_wrap_inline360 . This describes a right triangle with a hypotenuse of a, an angle of u and a side of length x opposite this angle. Thus, the other side is tex2html_wrap_inline368 so tex2html_wrap_inline370 and tex2html_wrap_inline372 . Thus, the integral is evaluated to be


Vector Calculus
Sun Aug 3 11:17:56 MST 1997