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Parameterizing a striaght line requires two pieces of information:

We need at least one point on the line. we'll call this point (x0,y0,z0) and label it as a vector $\vec{r}_0 = x_0 \hat{i} + y_0
\hat{j} + z_0 \hat{k}$.
We need the direction in which the line points. This is a vector, and we'll refer to it as $\vec{v}$.

In order to parameterize the line, we use vector addition. A scalar multiple of $\vec{v}$ still points in the same direction as $\vec{v}$. Let the first point on the line be $\vec{r}_0$. Another point on the line can be obtained by adding $\vec{v}$ to $\vec{r}_0$ as shown in the figure below. If we continue to add scalar multiples of $\vec{v}$ to the initial point, we can get the whole line. By letting t be a parameter which multiplies $\vec{v}$ we get the parameterization of the line via vector addition as

\vec{r}(t) = \vec{r}_0 + t \vec{v}.\end{displaymath} (15)

Example. What is the parameterization of the line segment which starts at (1,0,5) and ends at (-4, 2, 0)?

If we let $\vec{r}_0 = \hat{i} + 5 \hat{k}$ and $\vec{r}_1 = -4 \hat{i} +
2\hat{j}$, then a displacement vector that is parallel to the line would be

\vec{v} = \vec{r}_1 - \vec{r}_0 = -5 \hat{i} + 2 \hat{j} -5\hat{k}.\end{displaymath} (16)

So, as t ranges from 0 to 1, the parameterization

\vec{r}(t) = \vec{r}_0 + t \vec{v} = (1 - 5t)\hat{i} + 2t \hat{j} + (5 -
5t) \hat{k}\end{displaymath} (17)

traces out the line segment.

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Vector Calculus