Math 223 Homework 2
Spring 1997

Due: Friday, February 6, 1997

Instructions: Your homework must be typed. All figures can be hand drawn. If you use a calculator (or computer) you must state the calculator (or computer) you used and explain how you used it.

This project is designed to help you think about vectors as non-graphical objects. Remember, vectors are really just a way of organizing information into a list. A vector can have as many components as needed to specify one element of the list.

Consider the genetics of a population. The following table gives information about the relative frequency of four different alleles (variants of a gene) as they occur in four different populations.


Thus, we can think of a population as a vector with four components, each component representing the frequency of one of the four alleles for that population. For example, the vector for population A would be

A = (0.29, 0.00, 0.03, 0.67)

An anthropologist has just returned from the Island of Wak-Wak with genetic information about the population of the island. He is interested in tracking their racial history using the genetic data. The island "natives" have the following genetic vector:

X = (0.15, 0.05, 0.15, 0.64)

1. Define the genetic distance between two populations as the angle between the vectors which represent each population. Using the dot product, calculate the genetic distance between population X and each of the other four populations.

2. Which race are the Wakos most closely related to? Are there any of the four that you know cannot possibly be genetic ancestors for the Wakos? Which ones? Why?

3. Now make a more realistic assumption. Assume that the Wakos are descended from an equal combination of two of the above populations. Make a new table (which should have six columns) which gives the genetic information on these combined races. For example, the combination of A and C would be the vector (assuming equal contributions from both)
0.5 A + 0.5 C = (0.245, 0.03, 0.045, 0.665)

4. Which of these combinations can be ruled out as possible genetic ancestors for the Wakos? Which of the remaining combinations is closest to the Wakos?