223 Homework 6

Spring 1997

Due: Friday April 4, 1997

Sushi the rebellious clown fish is swimming away from the school one day. Sushi's position as a function of time is given by


  1. Draw and describe the following cross sections of Sushi's motion:

    1. tex2html_wrap_inline47
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline49
    3. tex2html_wrap_inline51

    Make sure you label starting points and the direction of motion. You will probably want to do this on your calculator or a computer.

  2. What can you say about the 3D motion?
  3. Find Sushi's velocity vector, tex2html_wrap_inline55
  4. Set up the integral that represents the distance Sushi travels from tex2html_wrap_inline57 to tex2html_wrap_inline59 .
  5. The current in the ocean is given by


    at tex2html_wrap_inline61 is Sushi swimming with or against the current?

  6. Sushi (with his third eye) spots a Leisure Shark at the point (100,-50,0) swimming with a constant velocity of


    1. Does the shark eat Sushi?
    2. If so, at what time does the shark eat Sushi?
    3. If so, was it suicide (i.e. was Sushi swimming into the shark's mouth or is he swimming away from the shark)?