Chapters Ten and Eleven

      Answer the questions below from Chapters ten and eleven in complete sentences.


1) After the wigwam are built, crops are planted. Explain what three plants are put together and why? ____________________________________




2) When Mary tells Mrs. Stewart that she is to be traded to the French trader Sequin, what is her response? ______________________________




3) What does Mrs. Stewart make Netawatwees promise before she leaves for Sequin's? _____________________________________________



4) Why do you think Mary makes friends with Kolachuisen? __________________________________________________________________



5) While talking with Kolachuisen, what does Mary begin to think about? _________________________________________________________




6) How old is Mary now and how long has she been with the Delawares? ________________________________________________________




7) Why are there no other girls Mary's age and what does Hepte tell her about her own daughter? ______________________________________





8) Explain why Mary asks to go with the party to Sequin's. __________________________________________________________________





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