Chapters Twelve and Thirteen

       Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Think about what is happening to Mary as she lives among the Delawares.


1) When Mary leaves for the Sequin's trading post, what does Mary give Chickadee to take care of her? _________________________________



2) What are the 'mounds' that the party passes by on their trip? ________________________________________________________________



3) What does Mary find when she gets inside the trading post? ________________________________________________________________



4) Why does Mrs. Stewart want to be called by another name now? ____________________________________________________________



5) Mrs. Sequin wants Mary to stay at the store. What does Mary tell her? ________________________________________________________




6) What are some of the foods that Mary eats at the Sequin's trading post? _______________________________________________________



7) Mary soaks her injured hands in a bowl after the rain and flood. Whose bowl was it originally? _______________________________________



8) By helping to save the crops, what does Mary find out about herself? __________________________________________________________






       Part two: On the next page draw a picture of the Indian village as you imagine it appearing. Remember to include the crop fields!


Your Drawing of the Delaware Village and Crops


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