After graduating from SJFC in May of 2012 with a Quad Certification in Early Childhood, Early Childhood Special Education, Childhood, and Childhood Special Education I began substituting for the Rochester City School District. I currently have a long term (4 months) substitute position in a third grade general education class at the same school I went to as a child.

This year my main goal is to find a full time teaching job. In my spare time I hope to go camping, see a few concerts and organize my childrens books based on their reading level.

Mrs. Lisa Berkewitz is the first teacher that comes to mind when I think about a teacher that I inspire to be like. She was my 10th and 11th grade alternative education teacher. She was patient, kind, caring, firm, wise, the list could just go on. When I thought there was no hope in getting through the day she was there to lift me up. She taught me the importance of not just helping the students learn but truly understanding where they came from and how that affects their learning. She was my influence to become a special education teacher.

As a graduate student I am looking to gain valuable information that I can use in my classroom. Not just in my classroom but tips and tricks I can share with other professionals in the building. I am very excited to add onto the webpage I started back in the fall of 2010.