MSTI 260 - Adaptive Technology

Fall 2011

Course Description:

As a furture educator, this class prepares me to use technology in my classroom to enhance learning and aide those that have special needs. The class focuses on math and science but what is taught can be included in any subject content.

picture of a view master

My Accomplishments:

1) Philosophy of Education - My pedagogy.

2) Journals - Articles worth reading about education.

3) Definitions - Syndrome, disability, disadvange, disorder, and learning disability defined with helpful resources.

4) Hardware Briefs - A review of current devices that will assist a child with learning disabilites and disadvantages:

Hands Free Mouse
Ipod Touch
Reading Pen
Bamboo Fun

5) Virtual Hardware Briefs - A review of upcoming technology devices that may assist a child with learning disabilites and disadvantages:

Skinput System

3D Labtop

Tacile Mobile Device

6) Software Brief -  How to use the software that is on the internet. This brief is about the photo software called Picnik.

7) Resources - Links to helpful Federal, State (NY), Local, and Support groups about education and disabilites.


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