11.4 Memo Problem: DataCon Contract

To: Analysis Staff
From: Project Management Director
Date: May 28, 2008
Re: DataCon Contract

We have received a contract from DataCon, a large data analysis provider that does general data analysis and management contracting for a wide variety of manufacturing and service sector businesses. They have subcontracted some of their business to us. They want us to fit some predictive models for four sets of data they have sent along. They want to see a best-fit nonlinear trendline for each data set, as well as the best model that we come up with, superimposed on both the scatterplot of the data and the best-fit trendline. DataCon management wants not only simnple trendlines but also good fitting models constructed from shifting and scaling the basic functions because models built from basic functions are more transparent and easier to analyze than typical trendline models.

As usual, direct your memo to me. Include the following:

Attachment: Data file C11 DataCon Data.xls [.rda]

Here are some suggestions for dealing with this assignment:

  1. Start by fitting the best built-in trendline for your software (don’t forget to record its equation and its R2) to a scatterplot of the data set. The table below (or one like it) will help organize the information.
  2. Now try fitting your own shifted and scaled basic function on top of the scatterplot and the best-fit trendline, comparing your computed R2 to the R2 of the trendline.
  3. You might not be able to construct a better model in every case, but get as close as you reasonably can. That’s all DataCon really wants or needs.
  4. Here are a couple of tips:
    1. Don’t even try to do your own fit for a polynomial function (used when the scatter plot has a turn(s), etc) because built-in routines for a polynomial fit are already clear and understandable. Your job, in this case, is to find that polynomial.
    2. If you are fitting your own exponential function, don’t bother with horizontal shifts because mathematically such shifts can be absorbed by the scaling parameter.
    3. If the best trendline is a power function with a fractional power, for example, x0.42, you might suggest using x0.5 for your own power function because x0.5 = x12 = √--
 x, which is much easier to understand (remember, this is what DataCon wants).




My Best Fit

Best Trendline Fit


My Best Fit

Best Trendline Fit


My Best Fit

Best Trendline Fit


My Best Fit

Best Trendline Fit