Appendix B
Sample Rubric for Evaluating Memo 7

The rubric below provides a sample of how instructors can easily use a checklist approach to grading the memo assignments in this text. Bascially, each memo has three categories in which students should demonstrate excellence: Mechanics and Techniques, Application and Reasoning, and Communication and Professionalism. These are discussed in general terms in the preface. For each category, there are items listed in a checklist format at two levels of accomplishment: Expected and Impressive. To meet the minimum requirements for a memo, students should have the expected items checked off as being present in the memo in a clear and easily understandable way. Then, for each category in which the student’s work is impressive, the grade is bumped up.

For example, one could define the following grade scale for memo problems, where the entries define the number of categories (out of 3) that must be at that level. Then, the intermediate and lower grades (D, C+, etc.) can be awarded for partial success in a category.

Grade Expected Impressive

C 3 0

B- 2 1

B+ 1 2

A 0 3

Expected Level

Impressive Level

M & T: 0 E- E E+ I- I

File was correctly titled for Bb

File name correct

Contains a correlation matrix

Contains 4 scatterplots

A Table of Results contains

4 correct regression equations

A correct R2 for each equation

A correct Se for each equation

Correctly states which relationship has the strongest positive or negative correlation

The 4 regression equations are correctly ranked according to best-fit

Graphical analysis indicates how much confidence we have that we can model this relationship with a linear trendline

For Revision Only

Errors made in original are adequately corrected

A & R: 0 E- E E+ I- I

A reasonable preliminary prediction is made for the effect on Weekly Riders of

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

Correctly compares preliminary predictions with correlation matrix results for effects on Weekly Riders of

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

Slopes and y-intercepts are stated in terms of the problem context (not Xs or Ys)

Correct units are given for slopes

Correct units are given for Y-intercepts

Correct units are given for Se

Provides an adequate and correct explanation of R2

Explains what R2 tells us about the model

Correct R2 analysis is used to rank Regression Model of Weekly Riders vs.

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

Provides an adequate and correct explanation of Se

Explains what Se tells us about the model

Correct Se analysis is used to rank Regression Model of Weekly Riders vs.

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

Correctly interprets the slope of the model for

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

Correctly interprets the y-intercept of the model for

Price per Ride



Parking Rate

C & P: 0 E- E E+ I- I

Assignment was submitted on time

Submitted in memo form

The writing is competent (grammar, spelling are basically correct)

There is an adequate introduction to the problem situation

The introduction clues the reader as to what to expect in the memo

The presentation of the proposal is adequate and complete (must include everything the memo requires)

Charts are not fragmented

All axes and text on graphs are readable.

All charts are legible

All parts of memo are adequately addressed

Supporting computer output is embedded in the memo

The writing adequately deals with the complexity and depth of the analysis

Text and graphics are well integrated in a way that facilitates the readers understanding

Memo includes a conclusion summarizing the results of the analysis (executive summary)

Conclusion states which model is the best-fit model

Conclusion states how accurate we can anticipate the predictions of the best-fit model will be.

Overall, the graphs, charts, and text have a professional appearance.