Mechanics and Techniques Problems

12.1. Answer the following questions for the regression output shown below.

Results of simple regression for Log(Cost)

Summary measures

Multiple R 0.8529

R-Square 0.7274

StErr of Est 0.0728

ANOVA table

Source df SS MS F p-value

Explained 1 0.4806 0.4806 90.7367 0.0000

Unexplained 34 0.1801 0.0053

Regression coefficients

Lower Upper

Coefficient Std Err t-value p-value limit limit

Constant 10.1592 0.0510 199.0448 0.0000 10.0555 10.2630

Units 0.0008 0.0001 9.5256 0.0000 0.0006 0.0010

  1. What is the regression equation, as taken directly from the output?
  2. What kind of model does this represent (Linear, Logarithmics, Exponential, Power, Multiplicative)?
  3. Convert the regression equation to standard form.

12.2. Answer the following questions for the regression output shown below.

Results of multiple regression for Cost

Summary measures

Multiple R 0.8931

R-Square 0.7977

Adj R-Square 0.7917

StErr of Est 2392.8335

ANOVA table

Source df SS MS F p-value

Explained 1 7.68E08 7.68E08 134.0471 0.0000

Unexplained 34 1.95E08 5.73E06

Regression coefficients

Lower Upper

Coefficient Std Err t-value p-value limit limit

Constant -63993.3047 9144.3428 -6.9981 0.0000 -82576.8329 -45409.7765

Log(Units) 16653.5527 1438.3953 11.5779 0.0000 13730.3838 19576.7217

  1. What is the regression equation, as taken directly from the output?
  2. What kind of model does this represent (Linear, Logarithmics, Exponential, Power, Multiplicative)?
  3. Convert the regression equation to standard form.

12.3. Answer the following questions for the regression output shown below.

Results of multiple regression for Log(Production)

Summary measures

Multiple R 0.9772

R-Square 0.9550

Adj R-Square 0.9507

StErr of Est 0.0598

ANOVA table

Source df SS MS F p-value

Explained 2 1.5922 0.7961 222.9220 0.0000

Unexplained 21 0.0750 0.0036

Regression coefficients

Lower Upper

Coefficient Std Err t-value p-value limit limit

Constant -0.0692 0.4351 -0.1591 0.8751 -0.9740 0.8355

Log(Labor) 0.7689 0.1448 5.3087 0.0000 0.4677 1.0701

Log(Capital) 0.2471 0.0640 3.8634 0.0009 0.1141 0.3801

  1. What is the regression equation, as taken directly from the output?
  2. What kind of model does this represent (Linear, Logarithmics, Exponential, Power, Multiplicative)?
  3. Convert the regression equation to standard form.