3.4 Memo Problem: Carnivorous Cruise Lines, Part 3

To: Carnivorous Crusie Lines Project Team
From: Director of Marketing
Date: May 14, 2008
Re: Preliminary analysis of venue attendance

As you know, we have won the contract on Carnivorous Cruise Lines and have begun data collection. The enclosed file contains attendance data for four venues over a one-week cruise. We want to analyze the data for this one cruise in order to determine the venues and days to focus our attention on for subsequent cruises. Since each venue has a different capacity, use a percent of capacity (as a decimal) to measure the attendance. I would like to see two separate analyses: One analysis that compares each venue and each night to the overall cruise data and one analysis which looks at each venue individually with respect to its own data. We need the two analyses to answer the following questions:

Attachment: Data file C03 Venues.xls [.rda]