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General properties

  1. The first property involves multiplication by a scalar. Let tex2html_wrap_inline468 be a scalar, tex2html_wrap_inline266 be a vector field and let C be an oriented curve. Since tex2html_wrap_inline474 we have the simple result that


  2. The next property is a version of the rule that tex2html_wrap_inline476 . If tex2html_wrap_inline266 and tex2html_wrap_inline480 are two vector fields defined on the same curve C, then


  3. This next one involves a little notation. If the curve C is an oriented curve, the nthe curve -C is a curve that is the same as C, but oriented in the opposite direction. It stands to reason that if you go the opposite direction on C you should get the opposite answer for your line integral, and, indeed,


  4. The last property I will list is useful if the curve C is not a smooth curve, but is a piecewise smooth curve. Such a curve may have kinks and corners in it, but between each kink or corner, the curve is smooth. Thus, the curve C can be thought of as the sum of finitely many smooth curves, tex2html_wrap_inline496 . The picture below should help clarify this point.

    (illustration of C = sum(many c's))

    The line integral around the total path is, logically, the sum of the line integrals around each of the smaller curves. Thus, we are led to the statement


Vector Calculus
Sun Jul 27 11:36:39 MST 1997