Visit Rochester, New York!
Rochester Brainery
Jim's Restaurant
Dogtown Hots
Goldn Rd.
Blue-cross arena reflection High Falls in the heart of downtown Rochester The abandoned subway tunnel in Rochester

Growing up Rochester, 0-22

What is it like growing up in Rochester for 22 years? For those who may not have grown up here, I can tell you it is probably like growing up in any medium sized city. It becomes so familiar to you, you accept your city for all its positive and negative aspects, and grow to love it for them. Let's start out with something that makes Rochester a real pain, the weather. Especially this time of year, the weather can have unusual mood-swings. One day it can be 50 degrees and sunny, and less than 24 hours later we can have a blizzard and temperatures in the 20s. We make sure to complain about it, but in the back of our minds we know this is just something that happens here.

Another thing that makes living in Rochester a pain is something that is really not the fault of us Rochesterians. It is the overshadowing of our city by other cities in western New York, and of course New York City. I can't tell you how many times I have been somewhere out of state and told someone where I live, and first say "New York" referring to the state, and they immediately say "New York City?" and I have to correct them by saying "New York, the state". Then what irks me, is having to explain where Rochester is by relating it to the location of either Syracuse or Buffalo. Rochester is a great city, and actually larger than Syracuse and should hold its own in recognition. Hopefully, in the future, Rochester can become more well known to outsiders through interesting events and things happening here. When we say we are from Rochester, there will be no question about who or where we are.

For me, the list of negatives for Rochester is not that extensive; the positives are. I could write a blog that would have enough information to stretch over a year telling people about all the great things about this city. There are lots of small places in Rochester the are truly unique and make people fall in love with the city. When the weather is nice, a stroll down Park, Monroe, South, or East Avenue can give you an impression of what the Southeast area of the city is like, and take you to places like Dogtown on Monroe, The Little Theatre on East, or Hedonist Artisan Ice Cream on South. Rochester has a lot going for it, and people who are scared, or have the wrong perceptions of the city just need to experience some special places here that they can connect to. I have spent 22 years in Rochester, and I can't imagine spending it anywhere else. We are so fortunate to be where we are. The culture and diversity is amazing, and our location is prime. So if you are reading this, and have never taken a trip into the city of Rochester, I suggest you do as soon as possible. You will have your mind opened to what makes us special, and why living in Rochester is something to be proud of!

Rochester can be pretty in the winter, too! Roc city skyline in the Fall Sunset at Cobbs hill Park in Rochester

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