Chapter 2
Understanding the Role of Data1

Quantifying the world is often a bit more involved than simply determining how much there is of variable A or how many there are of variable B. The complication: ”it depends.” There may be other variables C or D that need to be taken into consideration. For example, suppose you are the CEO of a large company and you want data on the salaries of your employees in order to ensure fairness and equity, provide incentives, control costs, and yet keep your company competitive. A simple approach: How much does employee 23 earn? employee 24? Etc. This is certainly useful data to have at hand–you know how much of variable A and how many of variable B. But that is not enough. As CEO, it would be much more useful for you to know, in addition, the employee’s department, years of experience at the company, job grade, educational level, age, and gender. What you really want to know is how much of A and how many of B broken down by categories C, D, E, F, G, and H. Quantifying the world, then, does not necessarily mean thinking of the world in terms of numbers only, but also in terms of categories. We will learn how to distinguish and classify various kinds of variable data in the first section of the chapter. In the second section, we will practice coding these differing data and entering the data into a spreadsheet.

As a result of this chapter, students will learn

As a result of this chapter, students will be able to

The differences between numerical and categorical data

The importance of attending to units and categories

How to extract data from a problem situation

The purpose of identifiers in a data set

Design data collection forms

Code numerical and categorical data from a data collection form

Set up a spreadsheet for analysis

Correctly organize data for analysis with software

Properly define the required variable names

Properly document information about the coding of the data

 2.1 Extracting Data from the Problem Situation
  2.1.1 Definitions and Formulas
  2.1.2 Worked Examples
  2.1.3 Exploration 2A: Extracting Data at Beef n’ Buns
 2.2 Organizing data for Future Analysis
  2.2.1 Definitions and Formulas
  2.2.2 Worked Examples
  2.2.3 Exploration 2B: Entering Beef n’ Buns Data into a Spreadsheet
 2.3 Homework
  Mechanics and Techniques Problems
  Application and Reasoning Problems
 2.4 Memo Problem: Carnivorous Cruise Lines, Part 2