Part I
Quantifying the World

 Thinking of the world as data
 Key Thinking Strategy: Thinking of the world as data.
1 Problem Solving By Asking Questions
 1.1 Why Data?
 1.2 Defining the Problem
 1.3 Homework
 1.4 Memo Problem: Carnivorous Cruise Lines
2 The Role of Data
 2.1 Extracting Data from the Problem Situation
 2.2 Organizing data for Future Analysis
 2.3 Homework
 2.4 Memo Problem: Carnivorous Cruise Lines, Part 2
3 Using Models to Interpret Data
 3.1 The Mean As A Model
 3.2 Categorical Data and Means
 3.3 Homework
 3.4 Memo Problem: Carnivorous Cruise Lines, Part 3