Since our company does management consulting, we have two middle-management
clients who have come to us looking for management positions. Each of the clients
is qualified to work at the four large companies in the local region. I need you to
analyze the four companies in the attached data file and make a recommendation
to each client as to which company each would be better suited to. The data file
contains a list of the salaries at each of the four companies. There are about the
same number of managers in each company with roughly the same ratios of middle-
to upper managers in each.
Each of our clients has just moved out of the lower 25% management rank
in his or her previous position. They are, however, quite different. Manager A is
a confident go-getter who enjoys leaving the competition behind. Manager B, on
the other hand, prefers to run with the pack. He wants to do well, of course, but
stability and security are important.
To get started, you might consider generating comprehensive summary
statistics and side-by-side box plots for these four companies. Based on what you
learn from the box plots make a recommendation of a company for each client. Be
sure to provide as much evidence as possible.
Attachment:Excel data file C04 Companies.xls [.rda] To: Job Placement Staff From: Project Management Director
Date: May 18, 2008
Re: Placement of Managerial Clients