Chapter 4
Box-and-Whisker Plots1

What is this chapter about? It’s about taking data - possibly thousands of numbers - and finding a few measures (values) that help you make sense of the data and represent it effectively. You are probably already familiar with many of these tools, but may not have used them in the way that we describe here.

As a result of this chapter, students will learn

As a result of this chapter, students will be able to

What a statistic is and what it is used for

What an average is and what the common ways of determining an average are

What quartiles are and what they tell you about data

What an outlier is

What a boxplot is, how to read the information in a boxplot, and how to interpret boxplots

How to compare data sets in order to answer real-world problems

Compute various summary statistics by hand and with software

Make a boxplot by hand or with software

Incorporate graphs from software into a Word document effectively to support your work

Correctly use data stored in spreadhseet cells in computations

Explain what happens to various statistics if the data is increased by a constant amount or by a fixed percentage

 4.1 What Does ”Typical” Mean?
  4.1.1 Definitions and Formulas
  4.1.2 Worked Examples
  4.1.3 Exploration 4A: Koduck Salary Increases
 4.2 Thinking inside the box
  4.2.1 Definitions and Formulas
  4.2.2 Worked Examples
  4.2.3 Exploration 4B: Relationships Among Data, Statistics, and Boxplots
 4.3 Homework
  Mechanics and Techniques Problems
  Application and Reasoning Problems
 4.4 Memo Problem: Matching Managers to a Company
  Follow-up Memo Problem