Dr. Alexey Ignatchenko Research Group

Members of the Research Group

Name Year Job or School after graduation Subject studied
Charlie Illingworth

Molecular architectures with nanotubes
Maria Kim #

organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Degraj Suberi $ 2024

Molecular architectures with nanotubes
Megan McMichael $^ 2023

organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Erik Herbert $ 2023
organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Veronica Duell $ 2023
organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Chiebuliem (Bobby) Emeto ^
2023 Wegmans School of Pharmacy catalysts characterization by enolization
Paige Denman *^
catalysts characterization by enolization, Surface Acid-Base strength
Kaylee Schelah
2023 Wegmans School of Pharmacy organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Emma Taft
2023 Wegmans School of Pharmacy
organic synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Sydney French $ 2022

Synthesis of TPMS building blocks
Lilith Cote # 2022

electron microscopy analysis of Cs doped anatase titania
Sam Acosta $ 2022
Genesee and Wyoming Railroad Services
Enneper-Weierstrass representation for P- and D-minimal surfaces decorated by heptagons
Olivia Kampnich ^

Kinetics of enolization
31 Lilliana Weldeslassie ^

Kinetics of enolization in the liquid phase
Skylor Ou Yang ^
Chemist, Private Company in Rochester, NY
Anatase TiO2 shaped particles preparation, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
29 C.J. Leonardo $ ^ 2021 Renaissance School of Medicine
Kinetics of enolization in the liquid phase
28 Jared Jorolemon ^
2021 Dr. Seth Brown’s Lab at Notre Dame
Mapping Catalytic Sites, DFT modeling, photoelectron spectroscopy
27 Jordan Kostera ^
2020 Border patrol
Enolization of acids in the vapor phase kinetic study
26 Kara Kingsbury $ 2020 Cornell CVM class of 2026
Small molecule computatonal drug screening to inhibit binding of COVID-19 RBD
to human cell ACE-2 receptors
25 Jacob Willower* $ 2020
Triply periodic minimal surfaces design
24 Jordan Walker *+ 2019-2021
Beta keto acids and Enolization of acids kinetic study
23 Erik Akselrod +
2019 PA program
Enolization of acids kinetic study
22 Shane Rickard +
2018 Rochester Institute of Technology, Lockheed Martin
Enolization of acids kinetic study
21 Reem Ibrahim # 2018 Brown University
Enolization of acids kinetic study
20 Evan Gudell
2018 SJFC, adjunct faculty
Synthesis of organic building blocks for supra molecular structures in
heterogeneous catalysis and molecular electronics
19 Morgan Springer* $ 2017-2019 IUVO BioScience, Henrietta, NY Beta keto acids single crystals x-ray and decarboxylation rates
18 Scott Swigart
2017 Wegmans School of Pharmacy, UR Medicine
Synthesis of nucleosides with a modified nitrogenous base
17 Andrew Cohen* $ 2016 Veterinary School, St. John’s, Canada Reversibility of beta keto acids decarboxylation
16 Olivia Fraser $ 2016-2017 Rochester Institute of Technology Enolization of acids
15 Joshua Zweigle* 2016 Trinity School of Medicine in St. Vincent DFT Mechanism of decarboxylative ketonization
Joseph LaPenna* $ 2015 Medical Center, UR Retro condensation of diketones
13 Thomas DiProspero*$ 2014 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Catalytic condensation of carboxylic acids with ketones
12 Maxwell Wilder 2015-2016 Biology, SJFC DFT computational study of potassium location on anatase surfaces
11 Heni Patel* $ 2014 Wegmans School of Pharmacy, SJFC Catalytic condensation of carboxylic acids with ketones
10 Ben Reinhardt $ 2015-2017 Medical School, University of Rochester Synthesis of organic building blocks for supra molecular structures in
heterogeneous catalysis and molecular electronics
James McSally* 2014 UC Irvine, UR Rochester DFT Mechanism of decarboxylative ketonization
Marc Bishop* 2014 Clarkson University DFT Mechanism of decarboxylative ketonization
Laura Moore 2013 Medical School Catalytic cross-condensation of ketones with carboxylic acids
Roberto Voica 2013 Wegmans School of Pharmacy Catalytic cross-condensation of ketones with carboxylic acids
Adam Mercado* $ 2013 Xerox Cross-Selectivity in the catalytic ketonization
Abigail Shepard 2013 Arizona State University Cross-Selectivity in the catalytic ketonization
Lubomyr Ravlyk 2013
Dental School, University of Buffalo
Cross-Selectivity in the catalytic ketonization
Joseph DeRaddo* $ 2012-2014
Medical School, Syracuse 1) Cross-Selectivity in the catalytic ketonization, 2) Enolization of acids
Vincent Marino* $ 2012-2014
Dental School, University of Buffalo
1) Cross-Selectivity in the catalytic ketonization, 2) Enolization of acids
* - co-author of a peer reviewed publication
# - recipient of the ACS SEED grant
$ - recipient of the SJF grant for summer research
^ - supported by the NSF grant
+ - supported by the DOE VFP grant at ORNL